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Blog Archives

Holiday Headaches for parents and employers

Holiday Headaches for parents and employers Now that the long summer school holidays have finally arrived, I am reminded of my time as a working mother facing the logistical nightmare of what to do with my two young children inRead more ›

The Menopause Challenge – Breaking the Taboo in the Workplace

Having a successful career takes hard work, self-belief, determination, time and often sacrifices. Added to this, if you are a working woman you may have the stress of working through the life stages of periods, pregnancy and the dreaded menopause.Read more ›

Top tips for workplace Investigations

Top tips for workplace investigations Problems often arise in a workplace setting, but making sure they are dealt with properly, fairly and consistently may require an investigation to take place. It’s often the case that these aren’t dealt with asRead more ›

LBD appointed to NHS SBS Framework for provision of legal services

LBD appointed to NHS SBS Framework for provision of legal services We are delighted to announce that we have been appointed to participate in the NHS SBS Framework Agreement for the provision of employment law services. The LBD team, isRead more ›


In a ground breaking decision, the Supreme Court has ruled this morning that the Employment tribunal fees introduced by the government in 2013 are unlawful. The consequence of this decision is that from today the fees will no longer beRead more ›

The importance of tackling sexual harassment

Uber is in the press again in relation to its employment practices.  This time, I read with astonishment a female employee’s account of her alleged treatment in response to her claims of sexual harassment.  If you have the time, youRead more ›

New Year News from ‘By Design’ HQ!

We’ve not posted a blog since last year (that sounds far worse than it is!) as we have been so busy with some exciting new projects, welcoming some new faces and organising additional office space to house our growing team!Read more ›
